Key questions about climate change education and research

Key questions about climate change education and research

Alan Reid (Monash University) ]



What is this thing called climate change education?

What does it mean to do climate change education?

Or is the question, why there has to be such a thing, more vital?


What is climate change education expected to accomplish?

Are current approaches to climate change education sufficient to the task?

Is climate change education the priority of priorities in these times (and what are the alternatives)?


Is what is supposed to happen in climate change education happening?

Is there confusion about how climate change education relates to both education and climate change?

How has climate change education been understood and how else might it be thought, or thought about better?


From a research perspective, what needs questioning in climate change education?

Is there a strong case for investigating some things more closely than others, now and soon?

Might it be what influences climate change education the most, who asserts what, who argues that … or something other?


What can be said about climate change education based on research evidence?

What hasn’t yet been researched adequately, or enough, in relation to climate change education?

In what ways do the key issues in climate change education vary depending on one’s literature, circumstances, or point of departure?


Where can one go to find the best research-based statements on climate change education?

In making sense of scholarly arguments about climate change and education, which dialogic principles and partners help?

What happens to climate change mitigation and adaptation that doesn’t engage with education, or educational research?

Is everything equally important in climate change education?

What isn’t required, or needed, in climate change education?

What is critical if not crucial to climate change education?


When does climate change education happen, and does raising that imply it needs to happen often too?

Is there an end to climate change education, or for that matter, must it have a particular beginning?

Who decides what is engaged in climate change education, how, and for whom?


In what ways is it true that education is intrinsic to both creating and countering climate change?

Which forms of education can climate change adaptation and mitigation do without?

Are certain gaps or silences inevitable about climate change and education?


Must there be something unique or special to climate change education?

Is climate change education well served by companion forms of education and climate change action?

Does it matter if climate change education is contradicted by other forms of education, or climate change action – or inaction?


Is climate change education inevitable?

Is it quite clear what is at stake in climate change education?

Or is the question, what is being dared through doing climate change education when contrasted with what if it there is none?


When someone claims they are doing climate change education, should they be accountable in terms of to who, to what or to where?

Is a true sense of purpose deferred or found through climate change education?

Is it fair to expect climate change education to be enjoyable?


If climate change education relies on frameworks, is it clear who the frame-makers are and how they frame it?

Is what gets affirmed as much as disconfirmed two sides of the same coin in climate change education (and what of the edge)?

Should anything be done if instances of climate change education don’t comply a certain expectation, or mold?

Is climate change education hard?

Is climate change (and) education inherently gloomy?

Why is it that some people treat climate change education as in vain?


How is climate change education limited?

When is climate change education compromised?

In those hands is climate change education considered dangerous, and why?


How might climate change education be assessed?

Is evaluating climate change education from an educational and/or a climate change perspective the key point for decision?

Does discussion about climate change education research need a certain focus: on what is researched and how, on findings, on implications …?


What happens to climate change education when the best of climate change education research is engaged?

Is research that challenges prevailing assumptions about climate change education the most important to pursue?

Is there a compelling case to be more selective in terms of which research is undertaken or brought to bear on climate change education?


What are the subtle to the more obvious insights that can be gleaned from research on climate change education?

Should anything about climate change education be regarded as unequivocal from a research perspective?

Are researchers still at a stage where initial questions are raised rather than surfacing anything more conclusive?


Which kinds of research are most useful for informing or reforming climate change education?

Are these the same for what is usable in enriching climate change education, such as confirming, comparing or critique?

What are the most significant strengths and weaknesses of research on climate change education?


Which research is past its ‘use by date’ in climate change education?

What research about climate change education is needed now?

How are climate change education research priorities decided and enabled?


Whose (rather than which) research questions about climate change education are fundamental?

Who should be doing climate change education research, and responding to the outcomes?

Must climate change education research be designed in ways that make a difference to those adapting to and mitigating climate change?


Which research topics in climate change education are enduring and which need refining?

Might the focus in researching climate change education now be on matters of creativity, authenticity, urgency … or something else?

In terms of research imperatives for climate change education, is it solely a question of within or across disciplines, funders or stakeholders?


In what ways does it matter that climate change education is yet isn’t a form of climate change communication?

What are the risks and benefits in having climate change education focus on awareness or behaviour change?

What should be expected of, and communicated about, good climate change education?


Where has climate change education come from?

Where is climate change education going?

What can’t be learnt from reflecting on the current state of the art on research on climate change education?


How should what counts as a better way to do climate change education be determined?

What will make climate change education different tomorrow, and not like today’s, or yesterday’s?

Climate change education – why now, why not?

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