Book series

Many of the board members and contributors to Environmental Education Research contribute to other journals listed on our site, and/or serve as series editors of research-based texts on environmental education.

Here’s a short list of book series available in English:

(Re)thinking Environmental Education (Peter Lang). Series editors: Connie Russell & Justin Dillon

International Explorations in Environmental and Outdoor Education (Springer). Series editors: Annette Gough & Noel Gough

Researching Environmental Learning (Sense Publishers). Series editor: David Zandvliet

Schooling for Sustainable Development (Springer). Series Editors: John Chi-Kin Lee, Michael Williams, & Philip Stimpson

Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit  (Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability) (Peter Lang). Series editor: Walter Leal Filho

Studies in Education and Environment (Palgrave). Series editors: Alan Reid & Marcia McKenzie, Palgrave

We don’t provide links to these series as the addresses have a habit of changing, but rest assured an internet search will pull up the brief for each series (e.g. when an edited collection, monograph or innovative publishing format is possible), examples of publications that illustrate the series in action, and information on how to prepare and submit a proposal.

Please use the comments section or contact us to add other example peer-reviewed research based book series or journals to this page.